Getting your views on broadband speed and mobile phone coverage

From speaking to residents, across Tamworth and villages, I know that mobile phone coverage and wifi reliability affect many of us, especially, in the more rural parts of the constituency.

I'm keen to hear your views on issues you may be having with digital connectivity in your home, village or town. With your feedback,  I can work with the government and organisations to ensure that local people can get the services they need.

Let me know your issues with digital connectivity

  • Current Do you have issues with digital connectivity?
  • National Issues
  • Your details
Which mobile phone network do you use?
Are you able to get a useable mobile phone signal directly outside your house?
Are you able to get a useable mobile phone signal in the main living areas of your house?
Which broadband provider do you use?
Are you able to get a useable WIFI signal inside your house?